Napoli, j'adore!
BLINDARTE NAPOLI: From March 24th to April 3rd
From Monday to Friday (by appointment)
The catalog Napoli, j'adore! is online, the thematic online auction with an eclectic selection of works of art, handicrafts and Neapolitan artifacts or related to the city and its history.
The catalogue is available on with lot deadlines on April 3rd.
In the auction are presented fine examples of ancient objects representative of the typical artistic production of Neapolitan manufacture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as two porcelain plates painted with views of the Real Fabbrica Ferdinandea, by the Farnese service (estimated 3.500/4.500€ each), a terrine soup of the Manifattura Giustiniani (estimated 1.000/1.200€) and a group of sculptures from those present in the famous Villa dei Papiri di Ercolano of the Fonderia Sommer (estimates between 800 and 2.500€). Well represented also the Neapolitan crib art of the eighteenth century, with an important pair of figures attributed to the master Cappiello (estimated 6,500/ 7,500 €). In porcelain an important pair of French vases painted in Naples in the early 1800s with portraits of the Royals (estimated 4,000/5,000€)
Among the ancient paintings stands out for importance the seventeenth-century oil on canvas depicting San Gennaro with angel reggiampolle by Giovan Francesco De Rosa (known as Pacecco), one of the protagonists of 17th-century Neapolitan painting (estimated 20,000/ 25,000 €). The extraordinary and particular views of Neapolitan squares and marinas, signed by the most important painters protagonists of the eighteenth century and nineteenth Neapolitan, such as Pietro Antoniani, Attilio Pratella, Felice Giordano, Salvatore Fergola, Giovanni Carlo Bevilacqua, Francesco Mancini, but also of the School of Posillipo or of the Neapolitan School of the XVIII or XIX century. Also included a group of refined gouaches by Camillo De Vito and the Neapolitan School and a group of sculptures by Vincenzo Gemito.
To represent the XX and XXI century there are interesting works by artists of Neapolitan origin or linked to the city of Naples, such as Franco Girosi, Emilio Notte, Raffaele Castello, Armando De Stefano, Domenico Spinosa, Carmine Di Ruggiero, Renato Barisani, Mario Persico, Crescenzo del Vecchio Berlingieri, Ernesto Tatafiore, Carlo Alfano and Salvino Campos.
Included in the online auction also some more contemporary works, such as the large installation in fiberglass, iron, sand and acrylic by Giuseppe Perone, great wall work of 2003 (estimated 6,000/8,000€). Whip me purly is the title of the work by Rosy Rox made of crystal, iron and synthetic leather exhibited at the Palazzo delle Arti in Naples in 2007 (estimated 2,500/3,000€). Dated 2006 instead the installation of 13 gypsum cones on an iron base by Federico Del Vecchio (estimated 3,000/4,000€). There are also the multimedia works of Luigi De Simone (estimated 1,000/1,500€) and Raffaella Mariniello (estimated 1,400/1,800€). By Salvino Campos there are 9 lightjet prints mounted on forex depicting the Copan Building in São Paulo (estimated 5,000/ 7,000 €). There is no lack of the characteristic sculptures by Riccardo Dalisi made in bronze, iron or Murano glass (estimates between 250€ and 600€) and the vases by Guido Gambone and Vincenzo Pinto (estimates between 250€ and 800€).
Finally, the final part of the auction catalogue is dedicated to costumes and stage elements of some important performances held at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples during the past years. Among these a wooden throne painted with relief decorations used in the work "Roberto Devereux" by Donizetti in the 1987/88 season (estimated 1,000/ 1,500 €), two sculptures made of plastic and fiberglass respectively with a male figure on horseback and with a female figure on a marine creature (estimated 1,500/ 2,000 € each) used in the work "Il Flaminio" by Pergolesi in the 1984 season. But also a horse in polystyrene and papier-mâché with leather elements from the opera "The rape of Lucretia" by Britten dating back to the season 1989/90 (estimated 1.500/2.000€) and a pair of classical sculptures in polystyrene and plaster from the opera "Parsifal" by Paolini from the season 2007/08 (estimated 2,000/2,500€).
"Naples is a world open to foreigners - says Memmo Grilli, director of the department of modern and contemporary art of BLINDARTE - and diversity, with its rules/ non-rules, its customs and customs, its proverbs and its decanted beauty that involves and seduces. All this is well known to the artists who were inspired by it, leaving clear traces of the Neapolitan influence in many works of art and artifacts that collectors have always known and appreciated. Naples perhaps more than any other city deserves a thematic auction on the creativity that has animated it over the centuries, up to the present, which is a moment of proud and shared valorization of this incredible cultural heritage".