Manifattura napoletana, inizi del XIX secolo

Bronze volute crater from Ruvo

h. cm 44

with handles of the Gorgoneion type of Laconic or Corinthian production or rather even of Magna Graecia / Tarantine production, from an original found in Ruvo, and dating back to the end of the 6th century, from the collection of Carolina Murat and, subsequently through the acquisition of Leopoldo of Bavaria which merged into the collections of the Staatliche Antikensammlungen Museum in Munich with number 4262
The vase therefore represents a rare testimony to the interest in study and historical documentation that the archaeological discoveries aroused also for the discoveries not exclusively referred to Pompeii and Herculaneum, in years in which in the 19th century the awareness of the historical-cultural reality was increasingly taking shape of Magna Graecia in its identity autonomy compared to classical Greece.

€ 6.000,00 / 7.000,00
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