Title, signature and date on the reverse
Studio D'arte Nino Ganzerli, Naples;
Private colleciton, Naples
Bruno Donzelli was born in Naples in 1941; developed his language starting from the Pop experience, he traces the themes of the historical avant-garde, proposing them as explicit quotations after having revisited and corrected them. His works are often collages, assemblages and mixed techniques; important is also the use he proposes of color, aimed at exasperating the formal motifs of the early twentieth century, which are restored in a hyperchromatic and ironic.
"My paintings are designed as a theater. There is a main character and extras to represent the story. But do not think that mine are tributes. The spotlight rises on the fundamental names of the crazy century that we have left behind. It is impossible to say what is more important between the suburbs of Sironi and the metaphysical architectures of De Chirico. If anything, I ask the viewer to face the avant-garde with lightness, without awe".