Real Fabbrica Ferdinandea, dal servizio Farnese, 1784-88 circa
Plate with View of Vesuvius taken from the Maropiano side near Pozzuoli
polychrome painted porcelain
diam. 27 cm
Title on the reverse
The important service, made by the Real Fabbrica under the direction of Domenico Venuti between 1784 and 1788, was the first to be decorated with views of the Kingdom of Naples, part of the so-called Farnese Service, which takes its name from the inscription surrounding the cameos reproduced on the individual pieces
Comparative bibliography. A. Caròla-Perrotti, The Bourbon Porcelains of Naples. Capodimonte and Real Fabrica Ferdinandea 1743-1806, Naples 1986, p. 392 n. 322